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Get Now Assist on your iPhone

Get it here on the Apple App Store

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Get Now Assist on your Android device

Get it here on the Google Play Store

Download now

Step 1

Select Network Scan to start diagnosing your issues.

Now assist main screen - screen shot.png

Step 2

Move close to your router.

now assit screen shot - network scan.png

Step 3

When the scan is complete the app will provide you with your current network statistics. Then tap Improve Network Health to get solving.

Now Assist network scan @.25.png

Step 4

You will be guided through the recommended problem solving steps needed to resolve your issues.

Now Assist issues detected @.25.png

Still a bit stuck? Call us on 0800 438 669 and share your 'session key code'

now assist key code large.png

If using the app didn't fully resolve your issues you can call in the pros to take a look at what's going on with remote assistance.

When you speak you our support team provide the session key code from the top right of your Now Assist screen to let us see what's going on and speed up the fix.

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