ADSL is an internet service that's been around for a while. It uses existing copper lines from the local exchange into your home and provides broadband average peak speeds of 9/1*. If needed, we can also connect a phoneline too.
ADSL supports everyday activities such as web browsing, online banking and emailing. While you'll be able to stream or surf without buffering, you'll run into issues if multiple people in your home are using the internet at the same time.
Now offers ADSL in almost all areas of New Zealand. If there's copper lines running down your street, there's a good chance you can get it. We'd definitely recommend Now VDSL or Now fibre though, so why not check and see if you can take advantage of faster speeds? You'll thank us later.
You'll need an ADSL capable router to connect your devices to the internet. We can supply one if needed, or you can use your existing router. (Some configuration changes may be required, but we can do that for you).
* National peak time average speeds (MBNZ Autumn 2023). You may experience higher or lower speeds than this.